Thursday, June 9, 2011

Write Again

This is a repost from my notes in FB dated  22 February 2011 at 20:51.  I've been mumbling about the fishpens, garbage, etc...  I've been really worrying about how much pollutants there are once these fish cage owners feed their bangus and tilapias...  And now here comes the FISH Kill issue.

So what is there to write about? Hmmm, let me see... What interests me now? What drives me? What am I feeling at the moment? How do I feel about the new city ordinance "Bring you own bag o bayong: no plastic bag policy?" How do I feel about my laundy piling up like Mt. Taal? Oh, there's much to write about but I just can't make time for it.
And now that I do, things are just popping in and out of my mind that I can't seem to choose which one. Nonetheless, here I am writing about what comes at random. Now here comes the opinionated me mumbling about how that lake which I saw last week when I visited the veranda of StarMall. I saw a vast space filled with fishpens. Imagine stretching your eyes to the farthest part of the lake you can virtually see and it looks black because of fish cages scattered all over the waters. I just held out a sigh. How many kilos of commercial feeds is thrown into the sea daily? Who knows?
And oh, here comes that irritating smell from that pile of garbage near the train track. It stinks and stings. I am wondering if the city slogan is indeed true. Unity and discipline? Come on... Have you seen the PUJs trying to beat the red light? How about those dispatchers with beltbags containing separate plastic bags where they put drivers' 'toll fee?' 75 pesos per trip. If the seating capacity is 20 @ 8pesos per passenger, hmmm the driver will only earn how much for that trip? And what if the greedy traffic officer just apprehended him for an offense so minor. What's left with his 85 peso-pesoses. 
Whew??? Now my rogue side emerges. The rebel in me wants to curse and condemn. But what can that do? I watch in the background, do my thing to make a difference however little ripple it can do to cause a change. I will never understand how our government works and I never intend to. 
It's frustrating but then does the government care? Yes, I owe the government a gratitude still. But I'll repay that with the sweat of my brow when the time comes.
Hmp... This is supposed to be funny note but the mood changed. Anyways, I still have some time tomorrow night to patiently write using this two-inch wide qwerty keyboard.
Ciao for now...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thank You

I trust that my kids are in good hands.
I believe that they are well-guided with care.
I know that they have what they need.
Though I can't give them all their wants.

I may not be by their side at night,
And I am not there when they need my hand;
I may not check about them that often like I used to
Even then I believe that they are safe and sound.

I may not be that expressive of how much I care
Nor do I say what I really feel
Even then, be it known that I am grateful
For the love, time, and effort you have for my angels.

In due time, when things are better
I hope I will be able to repay
To return the favors and time
To give you back whatever you have given me.

I will be forever grateful that you are my siblings.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Of Life

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.   Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, October 17, 2010

That Stabbing Pain

I went home.  Slept with the kids.  Cooked for them.  Gave them a nice bath.  Played PSP with them for a while.  Came the hard part again.  Saying goodbye.  Telling them I have to go back to work again.  Viena and Bunso pleaded for me to stay a little bit longer kahit mamyang gabi na lang daw ako byahe. Dexter stayed inside the room pretending not to hear me saying goodbye.  I went in and there he just cried. 
Lagi akong masaya kapag ako'y umuuwi pero pag pabalik na naman sa trabaho, wala na kaming ginawang mag-iina kundi mag-iyakan.
It's always painful.  It's like I'm being stabbed in the chest many times.  The pain that somewhat makes my throat so dry. 
Please bear with me ate, kuya, bunso... Konting tiis na lang...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

30 Things You Thought You Knew About Me

I've been very much pre-occupied about turning 30. Maybe it's because that first digit 2* is finally graduating to becoming 3-0. The years passed by so swift and here I am at the crossroads of leaving the YOUNG ONES and entering the world of the YOUNG ONCE...

Looking back to the past 29 years, I acknowledge the mistakes and failures I went through. I have seen how my parents worked hard for me and my siblings. I saw the frustrations is their eyes every moment I stumble. I have felt their heartaches when they saw me struggling. Those inspired me to do the best I can to make good of my life when I was given second chance and here I am - victorious, blessed, and fighting a good fight.

I wanted to write about so many things prior to this note but I decided at the last minute that I'll just write about the title of this post. (Though I tried to "sandwich" my thoughts and incorporate some in the introduction, hehehe...)

Hmmmm... There are things about me you thought you knew...

1. Most people think that I am too serious, that I forgot how to laugh or worse, I don;t know how to
laugh... Well, they are very wrong... I have this persona that's so bubbly and mababaw na kaligayahan... Try me... Takot lang kasi sila to throw a joke at me...

2. I can't brush my teeth without a mirror. I don't know why. I feel so discontented in the absence of a mirror. It feels like I didn't brush at all...

3. I have never tried the roller coaster. Not at all...
4. I tend to be shift to silent mode when I am angry and spit it all out when my bucket is full.
5. I have a double-edged tongue. I swear, I curse, I mutilate emotions with my word.
6. I use to think about how would people think about me when I go out of my way but now, to hell with what others think as long as I am not stepping on someone else's feet.
7. You can criticize me as long as it has something to do about my work especially so if you are my workmate but when it comes to matters that doesn't concern work, step out out of my way coz you wouldn't want what's gonna happen.
8. I don't ask questions. I prefer if you volunteer information.
9. I like kawbin's kilawen tanguigui... Suuuuupppppppeeeeer like.
10. I may not be expressive on how much I love my siblings but if you dare touch the tip of their nose, you have to go through me first.
11. I have three OTHER men in my life - 1st, HUGH JACKMAN; 2nd, HUGH JACKMAN; 3rd, HUGH JACKMAN...
12. I don't like heavy rains and thunders.
13. I totally am into high-heeled boots.
14. I shave. Hmmmmmmm... don't ask where... bwahahaha...
15. I hate my hair... The only reason I am fond of it is because of the appreciation I get from those who envy it.
16. I wanna learn how to drive. Coz one day am gonna have my own car.
17. I dream of having a rotunda house on top of hill overlooking the sea.
18. I love reading Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton and John Grisham. But now I don't have the luxury of time to read.
19. I don't like the color of gold. They're just used like asphalt in heaven. I love stainless and silver, though.
20. I wish I could write a book. Subject matter??? My kids...
21. I use to love teaching that it hurts me when my studes take learning for granted. But now, who cares??? They don't even care...
22. I lied about number 21. I still care... I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I just need an inspiration and a challenge.
23. Tragedy has a special place in my heart. Tragic love stories, sad love songs, and the likes captures my attention. It has its own way of lingering through for quite a while. I hate sad and tragic endings, in short.
24. Caffeine energizes me. I go crazy when I smell a freshly brewed coffee. Love it...
25. I don't know how to wear make-ups... Hahaha...What a frustration...
26. Since my Wolverine died, I don't wanna get emotionally attached to any pet. I cried a lot of tears for my Wolverine, and that's enough.
27. I am so thankful to my Adamantium, for all the sleepless nights we spent with each other... Adamantium is the name of my laptop.
28. I love the smell of freshly mowed grass.
29. I have always loved the shade of green but I hid behind black coz I thought green is too loud. But am going green now...Promise...
30. I am thankful, very thankful to God for having three wonderful kids that makes me smile, cry, and happy about life. And syempre for having YOU in my life. Don't ask kung sino coz he is the one who wears my ring... He is my husband and we're gonna grow old together forever no matter what...